Saturday, February 22, 2014


The Alexandrine Parakeet or Alexandrian Parrot (Psittacula eupatria) is the largest species of all Parakeet (small Parrot with long tail) species, thus often being the largest Parrot in their native range.
The species is dimorphic in adulthood (3 years and older). The immatures are monomorphic and are similar but duller in appearance to that of the adult females. Adult males always show pitch-black neck rings and large pink bands on their napes (commonly called nape bands). Often males only display a narrow band of blueish-grey above their bold pink nape-band. Adult females frequently show neck ring shadows that are anywhere between light and dark shades of grey. Females never display true black feathers in their neck-rings.
Breeding season is from November to April in their natural distribution range. Average clutch size is 2–4 eggs. The average incubation period is 28 days usually starting with the laying of the second egg. The chicks fledge around seven weeks of age. they are cared for, educated and reared for about the 21 following days (3 weeks) and are typically weaned between 3 to 4 months (12 to 16 weeks) of age.
Theie diet mainly consists of seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, buds, flowers and nectar.

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